Coconut Ice Stars And Trees
Saturday, September 17, 2022
Make these delightful coconut biscuits to add festive flair to your special occasions.
The ingredient of Coconut Ice Stars And Trees
- 250g copha
- 500g desiccated coconut
- 1 x 750g pkt icing sugar mixture
- 4 egg whites lightly whisked
- 125ml 1 2 cup coconut cream
- 2 3 drops red liquid food colouring
- 2 3 drops green liquid food colouring
The Instruction of coconut ice stars and trees
- line the base and 2 opposite sides of 2 square 20cm base measurement cake pans with non stick baking paper allowing it to overhang slightly
- melt the copha in a medium saucepan over low heat remove from heat and set aside for 5 minutes to cool slightly
- divide desiccated coconut icing sugarand egg white evenly among 2 bowls add half the copha half the coconutcream and red food colouring to 1 bowl and stir until well combined and evenlycoloured divide pink coconut mixture among prepared pans press evenly overthe base and smooth the surface
- repeat with the remaining coconut mixture copha coconut cream and the green food colouring press evenly overpink coconut ice and smooth the surface
- cover with plastic wrap and place inthe fridge for 2 hours to set
- remove from the fridge and setaside for 10 minutes to bring to room temperature use a 4cm diameter star shaped pastry cutter and a 4cm long christmas tree shaped pastry cutter to cut 24 shapes from each pan
Nutritions of Coconut Ice Stars And Trees
fatContent: n asaturatedFatContent: n a
sugarContent: n a
proteinContent: n a
cholesterolContent: n a
sodiumContent: n a