Glazed Ham With Green Peppercorns

Muscat and sticky marmalade create a caramelised citrus glaze, enhanced by the tangy bite of green peppercorns.

The ingredient of Glazed Ham With Green Peppercorns

  • 7kg leg of ham on the bone
  • cloves to decorate
  • 1 x 500g btl roses english breakfast marmalade
  • 125ml 1 2 cup muscat
  • 1 x 55g can green peppercorns drained

The Instruction of glazed ham with green peppercorns

  • rinse the ham under cold water and pat dry with paper towel use a small sharp knife to cut around the shank in a zigzag pattern about 10cm from the end carefully run the knife under the rind around the edge of the ham gently lift the rind off in one piece running your fingers between the rind and the fat wrap the rind in a damp tea towel and place in the fridge use for storing leftover ham
  • trim the excess fat from the ham leaving a 1cm thick covering all over use a knife to score the fat about 5mm deep in a diamond pattern taking care not to cut into the meat stud the centres of the diamonds with cloves
  • preheat oven to 180u00b0c place an oven shelf in the lowest position and remove the other shelves except for the top shelf add 250ml 1 cup of water to a large roasting pan place the ham on a wire rack in the pan wrap the shank in foil
  • heat the marmalade in a medium saucepan over medium heat stirring often for 4 minutes or until the marmalade melts and just starts to bubble add the muscat and stir until well combined
  • pour half the glaze over the ham use a spatula to spread over the surface to evenly coat add the peppercorns to the remaining glaze bake the ham in oven for 30 minutes turn the pan 180 degrees pour the remaining glaze over the ham bake in oven for a further 25 30 minutes or until golden brown set aside for 15 minutes to rest carve the ham and serve

Nutritions of Glazed Ham With Green Peppercorns

fatContent: 382 4 calories
saturatedFatContent: 17 grams fat
carbohydrateContent: 7 grams saturated fat
sugarContent: 30 grams carbohydrates
fibreContent: n a
proteinContent: n a
cholesterolContent: 28 grams protein
sodiumContent: n a

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