Orange Spritzer

This quick and easy orange spritzer is a refreshing addition to a summer lunch menu.

The ingredient of Orange Spritzer

  • 1 cup campari
  • 1 cup chilled soda water
  • 2 cups chilled orange juice
  • 750ml bottle prosecco chilled
  • orange slices to serve
  • ice cubes to serve

The Instruction of orange spritzer

  • combine campari soda water orange juice and prosecco in a jug
  • place ice cubes and 2 orange slices in each glass pour spritzer and serve

Nutritions of Orange Spritzer

fatContent: n a
saturatedFatContent: n a
carbohydrateContent: n a
sugarContent: n a
fibreContent: n a
proteinContent: n a
cholesterolContent: n a
sodiumContent: n a

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