Red Hot Shot

This is a fabulous breakfast juice or pre-dinner drink - its a non-alcoholic version of the more potent 'bloody Mary' cocktail.

The ingredient of Red Hot Shot

  • 400g ripe tomatoes chilled
  • 125ml 1 2 cup water
  • 1 1 2 tbsp fresh lemon juice
  • 2 1 2 tsp worcestershire sauce
  • 2 3 drops red tabasco pepper sauce
  • salt freshly ground black pepper
  • ice cubes
  • 2 celery sticks with leaves to serve
  • lemon wedges to serve

The Instruction of red hot shot

  • use a juice extractor to process the tomatoes transfer to a jug alternatively place the tomatoes in the jug of a blender and blend until pureed strain through a sieve into a jug discard seeds and skin
  • combine the tomato juice you will need 300ml water lemon juice worcestershire sauce and tabasco in a cocktail shaker taste and season with salt and pepper add the ice cubes cover with the lid and shake well until chilled
  • strain the tomato mixture into 2 serving glasses garnish with celery sticks and lemon wedges and serve immediately

Nutritions of Red Hot Shot

fatContent: 38 24 calories
saturatedFatContent: 0 5 grams fat
carbohydrateContent: n a
sugarContent: 5 5 grams carbohydrates


fibreContent: n a
proteinContent: n a
cholesterolContent: 2 grams protein
sodiumContent: n a

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