The Vicars Tipple

The ingredient of The Vicars Tipple

  • 600ml lager
  • 2 tbsp honey plus extra to serve
  • 150ml ginger wine see note

The Instruction of the vicars tipple

  • heat lager and honey in a saucepan over medium heat to just below boiling point remove from heat and stir in ginger wine transfer to a thermos or heatproof flask to transport to picnic serve warm in mugs with extra honey to taste

Nutritions of The Vicars Tipple

fatContent: 145 312 calories
saturatedFatContent: n a
carbohydrateContent: n a
sugarContent: 16 grams carbohydrates
fibreContent: 16 grams sugar
proteinContent: n a
cholesterolContent: 1 grams protein
sodiumContent: n a

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