Sweet Potato Sage Gnocchi

Once youve mastered classic gnocchi, get creative with this creative twist.

The ingredient of Sweet Potato Sage Gnocchi

  • 500g desiree potatoes unpeeled see note
  • 500g sweet potato kumara unpeeled
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 150g 1 cup plain flour
  • 1 tbsp chopped fresh sage
  • plain flour extra to dust

The Instruction of sweet potato sage gnocchi

  • place potatoes in a saucepan of cold water cover bring to boil over high heat reduce to low cook for 30 minutes or until soft when pierced with a skewer
  • let the potatoes cool for about 30 minutes then peel with a small knife if theyre still too hot to handle wear clean rubber gloves return potatoes to the pan
  • mash potato until just smooth then press one quarter of potato through a sieve into a bowl repeat in 3 more batches add salt and season with pepper
  • combine flour with sage add the flour mixture to the mashed potato mix to form a firm slightly sticky dough if its too sticky add a little more flour but only a tablespoon at a time too much makes the dough heavy
  • dust a tray lined with a clean dry tea towel with flour cut dough into 4 even portions roll each portion on a lightly floured surface to a 2cm thick log
  • use a lightly floured knife to cut logs into 2cm pieces roll each piece into a ball place on the lined tray making sure the gnocchi dont touch each other
  • gently roll 1 at a time over the back of a lightly floured fork the ridges help sauce cling to the gnocchi and give them a traditional italian finish
  • bring a large shallow saucepan of water to the boil add one quarter of the gnocchi when they rise to the surface after about 2 3 minutes theyre ready
  • use a slotted spoon to transfer to a baking tray making sure theres a little cooking water still on the tray this stops them sticking together

Nutritions of Sweet Potato Sage Gnocchi

fatContent: 292 297 calories
saturatedFatContent: 1 grams fat
carbohydrateContent: n a
sugarContent: 59 grams carbohydrates
fibreContent: 9 grams sugar
proteinContent: n a
cholesterolContent: 9 grams protein
sodiumContent: n a

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