Giggly Rose Cocktail
Sunday, August 7, 2022
Aperitifs are lighter than most spirit-based cocktails, so the food that accompanies them can be lighter, too.
The ingredient of Giggly Rose Cocktail
- bunch of mint leaves picked
- petals of 3 unsprayed roses plus 6 small unsprayed roses to garnish
- 3 shots 90ml gin
- 1 4 cup 60ml lemon juice
- ice cubes to serve
- 750ml bottle sparkling white wine chilled
- 150g caster sugar
- 1 tbsp rosewater
The Instruction of giggly rose cocktail
- chill 6 tall glasses in the fridge
- for the syrup place sugar and 100ml water in a pan over medium high heat bring to the boil stirring to dissolve sugar then remove from heat stir in rosewater then chill until it has cooled completely
- bruise the mint leaves and rose petals in your hands to release their aroma then stuff them into the chilled glasses
- in 2 batches combine gin lemon juice rose syrup and plenty of ice in a cocktail shaker shake well then pour into the glasses and top up with sparkling wine tuck in a rose to garnish then serve immediately with a straw
Nutritions of Giggly Rose Cocktail
fatContent: 220 836 caloriessaturatedFatContent: 0 2 grams fat
carbohydrateContent: 0 03 grams saturated fat
sugarContent: 27 3 grams carbohydrates
fibreContent: n a
proteinContent: n a
cholesterolContent: 0 8 grams protein
sodiumContent: n a